Yes to fewer kids in classrooms!

The STAR project (Student/Teacher Achievement Ratio) was a study done in the United States from 1985 to 1990.
11 000 children were separated into three different groups from Kindergarten to 3rd grade:
 the smaller groups had 13 to 17 students per teacher.
 the medium groups had 18 to 21 students per teacher.
 the larger groups had 22 to 26 students per teacher. The teacher was also helped by an assistant.

The results showed that:
 the smaller groups performed better than the others from Kindergarten to 3rd grade.
 children from minority or ethnic backgrounds succeeded better in the smaller than in the larger groups, and they had a more positive image of themselves and their abilities

What to take from this article ?
It is scientifically proven that the size of the class has an effect on learning: the fewer students the better. And this effect is even stronger for children coming from disadvantaged communities.

ECALLE, Jean, et MAGNAN Annie. 2015. L’apprentissage de la lecture et ses difficultés. Malakoff: Dunod.

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